Wednesday, September 11, 2013

7 and 8 and 9 on the 11th...HELP I am way behind!! (30/30 Challenge)

I am behind in the challenge but I am still painting! No need to explain...just normal for my crazy life these days!! 

On Monday I decided to paint from a plein air study I did earlier in the summer in a beautiful garden center near me. There was something about the study I really liked and it is closer to the direction I want my work to take so I got out my 20x16 canvas and began by laying in an under painting using only paper towel. Where was the darkest dark going...the lightest light? What were the dominant contrasting colors and what colors were supporting? Mindfully defining the abstract shapes under the painting. The under painting only took maybe a half hour and as you can see a big chunk of the work was done.

Next I got out my palette knife which has become my best friend these days. Then I began to lay in the design on top of the still very wet under painting. As this can become a muddy mess very quickly I concentrated on keeping the "pieces of color" fresh and separate from each other so the eye does the blending and not the paint! That's how "Daisy Riot" was born!!

"Daisy Riot"
20x16 oil on linen panel
Here's a photo of both the field study and the completed painting...

Then on Tuesday I painted from my mind and memory "Tall Grass Meditation" (12x12) and a small 6x6 cloud study. If I can do two today I will be caught up!!! Whew!!


  1. Daisy Riot is my favorite! Wonderful color and knife work! Keep up the good work!

  2. Daisy Riot is so beautiful! Seriously, if I tried that it would be mud... you depicted the scene perfectly!

  3. Thanks so much you two! I am pretty happy with Daisy Riot! It's defiantly the direction I want to take my work!



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