Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 16: Three Glasses Full

Three Glasses Full
16x12 oil on linen panel

Day 16: We are over the hump and I have a big problem. Where does one put 30 really wet paintings to dry??? If it was summer here they would be sitting outside in the sun...baking. Since I have used my palette knife and really thick paint on all of these even the first one still has some wet spots. I may have to stop and frame some of them just so I can stack them safely. This is a good problem right?? Of course I just might convince you to buy one...that could lighten my load!!! Come know you want one!!!


  1. I ran into that problem myself a couple of weeks ago, so I went down to Office Max and picked up a few more desktop organizers that I use for drying racks.

  2. Most of mine are too big for that Dave...I ended up framing some today...:)



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